vuepress blog
This is my first blog entry here and I wanted to quickly some up how it came to be.
Search for a vuepress blog theme
Somewhen in 2018 i found vuepress and love it to create static sites especially for documentation, but it never came to be that I tackled the issue for a personal site. Since I got currently a little time with my three weeks unplanned vacation since I switched employees it came to my mind that I can do that. So I opened typed in "vuepress blog theme" and found Tolking did a great job with this theme and since it is released under the MIT it was selected as a base. Tolking also made his personal blog open source so I took it as a baseline and removed all the stuff that was not mine.
Write your first blog post
So here we are, I'm currently writing my first blog post. I still need to configure the comment plugin and other little things, but I wanted to get a minimal version up as soon as possible to follow my own guideline release fast and often.
Thanks for reading, next time it should get more technical.